According to Wikipedia, Emanationism is the idea that
Emanationism looks like a description of the Yogic model of the Chakras and the Great Elements, as described earlier in this series in Chapter 3: a hierarchy which goes from the subtle to the gross, from energy to mass, from Sun/Moon to Saturn and beyond. The same model which structures the cosmos, applies to the energies within.
In the language of classical Indian symbolism, Lord Krishna blows the divine breath or Prana through the purified channels of the astral spine, symbolized by the flute. As we move into accord with the Absolute, we become an "instrument" in the hands of the Divine.
The flute, with its different notes along the musical scale, corresponds to the various chakras or planetary levels along the spinal axis. The flute symbolizes the balanced internal forces: when Prana moves freely through the Sushumna Nadi, the clear Light of Consciousness (represented by Krishna) illumines all the levels of our awareness - from Spiritual to Material. The resulting experience is like music. The greater the purity and balance of the forces, the more beautiful the melody.
Wikipedia goes on to say that Emanationism...
Emanationism resembles the teaching of the Middle Way, the Madhyamika of Nagarjuna. According to the teachings of the Middle Way, things cannot be said to truly exist - nor can they be said to not exist. The idea that we have a possess an unchanging spiritual identity, they call Eternalism. The notion that the universe is nothing more than dead matter - that we are merely molecules which have by chance combined to the point of intelligence - they call Nihilism.
The teachings of the Middle Way suggest that both views - when taken alone - are incomplete and should therefore be rejected. The wisdom of the Middle Way is to be found in the avoidance of extremes.
This embrace of the fundamental mystical paradox is symbolized by the Caduceus of Mercury: it contains the two serpent energies of Ida and Pingala, Yin and Yang. At the same time, it shows transcendence over the opposites: the central Staff of Mercury, the healer of the Gods. In the view of the ancient Greeks, wholeness comes to those who cleave to the Middle.
Ask any fitness Guru: good health requires work. It's all about proper exercise and careful attention to diet. They call it... Moderation.
Astrologers associate Mercury - through its rulership of Virgo and correspondence with the Sixth House - with healing, healers and disease. Virgos are said to continuously seek improvement. They notice things that others overlook - and they remember them long after others have forgotten them. Their high material standards sometimes deprive them of romantic partnerships. We all possess human imperfections. Few of us can match their lofty expectations. Thus, Virgos are encouraged to seek happiness through self-improvement instead of criticism and perfectionism.
As Jesus said in John 8:7:
Virgo, Mercury and the Sixth House relate to jobs, employees and those in service to others. Virgos make the best employees: they think of everything and can be relied upon to get the job done with others have given up. They pay close attention to detail and make craftsmen and specialists of all sorts: tailors, nurses, physicians, teachers, writers, computer programmers.
Because Mercury corresponds to adolescence, people with sidereal Virgo rising tend to have a fresh and youthful appearance. Above all, the Virgo look is clean-cut. It is clean-shaven. The Virgo look is thoughtful, often intellectual. No big hair. Only simple jewelry. The style is minimalistic, tidy and modest. Below are some individuals born when the sidereal constellation Virgo was ascending: Harrison Ford, Julie Andrews, Nancy Reagan, John F Kennedy and Bill Clinton. Many individuals with Virgo rising have the classic oval-shaped face seen in depictions of the Virgin Mary.
A Chicago native, Harrison Ford went to Hollywood to work in Radio. He landed minor film roles, but had to leave acting and take up work as a carpenter in order to support his family. He made cabinets for director Francis Ford Coppola of Godfather fame, who recommended him to George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars. Lucas cast him as Han Solo. The rest, as they say, is history. The craft of Carpentry opened the door for him.
His big break with Star Wars came in 1977 when he was running the Vimshottari Dasha/Bhukti (120-year cycle) of Mercury/Jupiter - both in Gemini, both in the Tenth House of career and fame. Both very close to the Midheaven or Tenth House Cusp, where they get additional House Strength. Mercury in its own sign Gemini: more of same !
Even a quick glance at Mr. Ford's chart reveals a powerful Mercury "signature": Virgo rising, with ruler Mercury in Gemini. Sun in Gemini. Moon in Gemini. Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter conjunct Mercury. They are conjunct not only by longitude, but by declination. All in the 10th house of career... Heavens !
Virgo rising, Sun in Gemini AND Moon in Gemini AND Mercury in Gemini, conjunct Jupiter: we don't see this kind of horoscope very often ! The box office receipts for his films total over $ 3.5 billion and he was was ranked No. 1 in Empire's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time".
Venus as Ninth Lord is in its own Taurus sign in the 9th house, the most fortunate of houses. A natural benefic, Venus functions very strongly when so nicely disposed. For Virgo Rising charts, Venus takes on extra goodness by its rulership of the Second House of Wealth and the Ninth House of good fortune and opportunity.
Agatha Christie is the author of novels, short stories and plays and is the best-selling writer of books of all time. More than four billion copies of her books have been sold - only the Bible has sold more. Her works have been translated into over 100 languages.
Given her description, we would certainly expect to see a strong influence of Mercury symbols in the chart - and we are not disappointed ! Her horoscope shows Moon in Virgo and Mercury in Virgo. Indian Astrology texts consider Mercury to be exalted in Virgo: very strong indeed. This makes her a double Virgo !
Exalted Mercury, the planet of "reading, writing and 'rithmetic". There's really no end to the Mercury influence in this horoscope. Venus is the ruler of the Third House - the Mercurial house - in its own sign Libra: very strong. Her famous detective Hercule Poirot is the embodiment of the fussy and meticulous Virgo who misses nothing and relies on the power of his "little grey cells".
Using the Krishnamurthi Ayanamsha instead of Lahiri, we see her Sun in Virgo. This gives even greater emphasis on Virgo and its ruler Mercury. With this chart, we see her as a TRIPLE Virgo. Moving her Sun (which is also chart lord for Leo Rising nativities) out of a weak late degree and into the second house, where is picks up a Trine aspect from Jupiter, gives even greater promise of wealth.
Although the Lahiri ayanamsha is more popular, many fastidious (Virgo) astrologers have switched over to Krishnamurthi. A difference of only 6 minutes of arc, in this case, is quite compelling. For more information about Ayanamsha, see Meanderings 1.
The Second House denotes wealth and Agatha Christie was very succe$$ful. Her powerful second house promises wealth and financial acumen. Her play "Mousetrap" was written as a radio sketch called "Three Blind Mice"
for the 80th birthday of Queen Mary and is said to have earned more than 3 million Pounds. In the late 1950s she was reputed to be earning about 100,000 pounds a year - millions of dollars in today's terms. The ruler of her Second House, Mercury, is found in in its own house, exalted. Venus - the ruler of the Second House from the Moon - is in the second house from the Moon, in its own sign Libra: another powerful Yoga for wealth. Mercury, the lord of the money house, is in tight Trine aspect with Jupiter: more of same !
In her chart, Mercury also rules the Eleventh House, which Indian authors consider another house of wealth. Western astrologers call it the house of hopes, dreams and their fulfillment. Because its ruler Mercury is exalted, the Eleventh House becomes quite strong and able to deliver the goods. Rahu the North Node is in the Eleventh House. It is exalted in the sign Taurus. It is Rahu which gives material success, world impact. Rahu's dispositor Venus, is in its own sign in Taurus: another wonderful pattern for prosperity.
Agatha Christie wrote crime novels, mysteries. Mysteries are the province of Neptune and Pluto. She was born with a Neptune/Pluto conjunction in the 10th house. Neptune and Pluto were stationary retrograde at her birth and stationary planets (like fast planets) are extraordinary: they possess a greater influence than normal. Thus, her career (Tenth House) involves things of a hidden nature, like secret murders and brilliantly convoluted plot lines. That the Neptune/Pluto conjunction makes a trine aspect with both her Moon and all-important Mercury, is icing on the cake.
Oh - then there's Uranus in the Third House. According to The Astrologer's Handbook by Sakoian and Acker, this aspect may describe her detectives as well as it describes her: