The slowest moving planets relate to the most important personal cycles. The longer the cycle, the deeper its meaning. The orbits of the outer planets like Uranus, Neptune and Pluto can be called evolutionary cycles, since they often exceed the lifetime of an individual. Their location in the chart, their disposition with respect to the signs, houses and other planets reveal much about the individual's relationship to the generation in which they were born, to transpersonal forces as well as the unfoldment of the soul.
Of all the planets, Pluto is the furthest from the Sun and has the slowest motion. Its cycle is over 240 years by Transit and tens of thousands of years by Secondary Progression. Therefore, Pluto, the Eighth House and the constellation Scorpio relate to the most subtle forces of transformation, to secret power and power-brokers. Plutonian people prefer to remain unknown, to travel unseen and to reside at "undisclosed locations".
Their role is the power behind the throne - whether that be in a family, a village, or a nation. Wherever there are investors and bankers, there is Pluto. Wherever there is conspiracy and undercover control, there is Pluto. Where the secret shapers of human destiny are found, there we find Pluto: the Greek God of the Underworld.
To Physicists, the most powerful forces are at the level of the Nucleus. To Yogis, the most powerful force is Consciousness, which expresses itself differently at various levels of existence. In the body, Pluto/Scorpio/Eighth House energy is focused in the reproductive organs and in most people the pranas flow disproportionately through Swadisthana Chakra ("her favorite location").
According to our capacities, we express that Force in the various creative departments of life. Without Shakti, we become inanimate: life becomes dreary and colorless. With the suffusion of higher forces, our inner faculties are activated. Eventually, the meditator discovers a great secret - not only that everything HAS Consciousness: everything IS Consciousness.
People born when the sidereal constellation Scorpio is rising, often have a sensual, mysterious look. They aren't trivial or chatty. Deep. Serious. Never superficial or silly. Something about them conveys a message of inner strength and determination. Here are some illustrations: Benito Mussolini, Marlon Brando, Brigitte Bardot, Elizabeth Taylor and Elvis Presley.
According to Wikipedia,
In September of 1956, Elvis Presley appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. His performance was seen by approximately 60 million viewers — a record 82.6 percent of the television audience. Even the studio audience went into hysterics. According to Wikipedia,
At that time, Jupiter was making a transit through his Tenth House and formed a conjunction with his natal Neptune. At the same time, he was running the Vimshottari Dasha of Jupiter. By Symbolic Direction of 1 degree per year, Saturn was forming a Trine aspect to his natal Jupiter. By Secondary Progression, Venus and Mercury were conjunct his natal Saturn which rules his Third House of communication.
Astrologers note that while Elvis was attractive - and considered a fine singer - it was his dancing which caused the greatest sensation. His dancing set him apart and opened wide the doors of opportunity. Neptune is the planet of dance and corresponds to the feet, while Jupiter relates to the hips and thighs. This Sagittarius native (ruled by Jupiter, a further correspondence with the hips and thighs) was the ultimate "song and dance man".
Elvis was born on a Uranus station-point: it was moving at only 2% of its normal speed. When planets are extremely fast - or extremely slow - they become important in a chart. They become extreme. According to Wikipedia,
After the First House and its lord, the most personal and important symbol in a chart is the Moon. Elvis had Moon in Aquarius, the sign of revolution and social emancipation. Saturn - the classical ruler of Aquarius - is also in Aquarius. These planets are both in the Fourth House of homes, properties and real estate. Thus, Saturn is in its own sign in an angular house: a Maha Purusha or great soul combination.
Given the strength of his Fourth House and its ruler, it's no surprise that Elvis Presley had a splendid home. Now a museum and tourist attraction, Graceland Mansion in Memphis Tennessee attracts more than 650,000 people a year and has been visited by a long list of musicians, celebrities and heads of state.
To make it in Hollywood, it's very helpful to have a good relocation chart for Southern California. Elvis' chart spins just the right amount: Jupiter moves into the First House. It is closely conjunct the Ascendant, which as we have discussed, is the most sensitive and important point in a horoscope. Jupiter is the Ganesha of planets: a bringer of optimism, abundance and opportunity. Elvis appeared in 33 movies and declined many other film roles. His manager only allowed him to appear when he was the star, the leading role. He was also a main attraction in Las Vegas, which is close enough to Hollywood to render Jupiter a powerful influence as well.
His Hollywood chart is terrific for communication: Jupiter (the lord of the Third House) exactly conjuncts the Ascendant. Sun and Mercury go into the Third House. In the relocation chart, Cancer becomes the sign on the Tenth House and the Moon becomes Tenth Lord, the planet which designates career and notoriety. Fortunately for Elvis, the relocated Libra ascendant makes Saturn a natural Raja Yoga Karaka, now found in the fortunate 5th house of creativity and amusements. This is a perfect "combination" for Hollywood.
The Sun as career lord in the Second House: a powerful position for wealth. The ruler of the chart - Mars in classical Astrology - is in the Eleventh House, "the other house of wealth". As we have seen in earlier chapters, it's easiest to predict wealth when both the Second and Eleventh Houses are strong: the houses themselves, their rulers and planets therein.
Indian Astrologers call these Dhana Yogas: "combinations for prosperity". Dhana literally means giving - we see the same root in the English words "donate", "donor" and "donation". When such combinations are present, Fortuna herself gives to the native. She gives a fortune. Decades after his passing, his estate continues to be one of the highest earners in the Entertainment business.
The Second House also relates to the face, to the mouth and to speech. Elvis was considered remarkably attractive and his singing voice was adored by millions. It's hard to overlook that Elvis had Venus in its own in the Third House with Rahu, the North Node. Rahu boosts whatever it conjoins and whatever house it tenants. In this case, it's the 3rd house of communications, ruled by a powerful Saturn... The patterns appear everywhere we look.
When Rahu conjoins a planet, it boosts it tremendously, in worldly terms: thus it is considered a benefic element in Western texts. Among Indian astrologers whose spiritual goals are often other-worldly, Rahu has a more tarnished reputation: it can lift the native to great heights, only to drop him in the end if the individual acts unrighteously.
(A classic case: Adolph Hitler's 19-year Rahu period, during which he rose from obscurity to world domination. His Rahu was in the Tenth House of career and ambition, where it normally inspires natives to "make a difference in the world". In the chart of a mad man, it acts more dramatically. By the end of his Rahu Dasha, he lost everything and ended up lower than he started - literally - hiding in an underground bunker).
Rahu promotes worldly desires. When coupled with Venus, it gives artistic talent, romantic attraction and a strongly sensual nature. Elvis struggled with his weight as he got older, because of injudicious eating habits. Indeed, Elvis's early death - at age 42 - was caused by an overdose of drugs - pills - taken orally. Perhaps this is what the ancient texts may have had in mind, when referring to Mercury as eighth lord located in the Second House. When the second house is troubled, there can be troubles with "bad food".
As Lord of the Underworld, Pluto and Scorpio relate to death and regeneration. They corresponds to clandestine activity, to the Mob and gangsters. Perhaps it was no coincidence then, that Elvis referred to his entourage as his Memphis Mafia.
Pluto, Scorpio and the Eighth House deal with legacies and inheritance, the wealth of others, the property of the dead. The Sun in Elvis' chart is opposed by Pluto. This - combined with his Scorpio ascendant - makes him more plutonian. But wait, there's more: the Sun conjoins Mercury, the lord of 8th house Gemini. Pluto itself is conjunct other-worldly Ketu, the South Node of the Moon. He's really Mister Pluto, with a strong magnetic attraction and mystery.
Elvis continues to earn richly from beyond the grave. Years after his passing, according to Wikipedia,